• (+30) 2105232044
  • info@iis-international.org
  • Athens, Greece

The Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) 2018 conference is the 14th in a series of top-flight international conferences on the use of advanced computer technologies and interdisciplinary research for enabling, supporting and enhancing human learning.


ITS 2018 Conference will celebrate 30 years of on going contribution in the field of Intelligent Tutoring Systems and will take place in the city and country of its birth: Montreal, Canada, in mid June 2018.


Theme of the Conference


The theme of ITS 2018 Conference traces the evolution of the academic and research achievements of the series of ITS Conferences from its birth up to now and explores its 30 years scientific impact in the field. ITS 2018 “A 30 Year Legacy of ITS Conferences” is expected to place a special emphasis on the new challenges aiming at combining this Legacy with the new Advancements in Artificial Intelligence. It aspires to regroup and promote high-quality research and trigger an exchange of ideas in the field, as well as to reinforce and expand the existing ITS network of researchers, academics, and market representatives.


Topics of Interest


Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Intelligent Tutoring
  • AI in Education
  • Educational Datamining
  • Machine Learning in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Deep Learning and Intelligent Tutoring Systems
  • Informal Learning Environments, Learning as a Side Effect of Interactions
  • Collaborative and Group Learning, Communities of Practice and Social Networks
  • Simulation-based Learning and Serious Games
  • Dialogue and Discourse During Learning Interactions
  • Ubiquitous, Mobile and Cloud Learning Environments
  • Empirical Studies of Learning with Technologies
  • Understanding Human Learning on the Web
  • Adaptive Support for Learning, Models of Learners, Diagnosis and Feedback
  • Modeling of Motivation, Metacognition and Affect Aspects of Learning
  • Recommender Systems for Learning
  • Virtual Pedagogical Agents and Learning Companions
  • Ontological Modeling, Semantic Web Technologies and Standards for Learning
  • Multi-Agent and Service Oriented Architectures for Learning and Tutoring Environments
  • Educational Exploitation of Data Mining and Machine Learning Techniques
  • Instructional Design Principles or Design Patterns for Educational Environments
  • Authoring Tools and Development Methodologies for Advanced Learning Technologies
  • Domain-Specific Learning Technologies, e.g. Language, Mathematics, Reading, Science, Medicine, Military and Industry
  • Non Conventional Interactions Between Artificial Intelligence and Human Learning
  • Privacy and Security in e-Learning Environments