Instructions for Workshops and Tutorials
A wide range of events take place in the context of a workshop and tutorial session of the conference, which vary in content, aim and structure. They offer participants an opportunity to engage in professional exchange in an interactive and interpersonal setting, leading to networking, collaboration and potentially to grants and publications. Workshops and tutorials can be on any major and timely topic in relevant fields of interest to the corresponding IIS conference.
Workshops may constitute either a “mini conference” in which early work can be presented in an informal way, or highly interactive “working meetings” for a group of people, designed to take advantage of being co-located to work together collaboratively on a theme of shared interest. Workshop organizers may:
- State requirements for the workshop participants (such as prerequisite of submission of a position paper; a commitment to contribute to a joint publication after the event)
- Include a preliminary Program Committee in case a workshop solicits papers
Tutorials provide an introduction and possibly in-depth treatment of an ITS topic under the guidance of an experienced researcher. Tutorial do not need to be 100% lecture. Activities where attendees can apply what they learned is very helpful.
Workshops and tutorials can:
- Be proposed by individuals and groups
- Be cancelled, if the registration rate is low
A workshop/tutorial proposal should:
- Be in English
- Not exceed three (3) pages
- Adhere to the relevant deadline
- Include the title of the event and organizers’ names and affiliations
- State the preferred length (half day or full day)
- Describe the theme, content, goals and expected outcomes with relevance to the corresponding IIS conference
- Refer to the intended audience, requirement of particular knowledge and the optimum number of attendees
- Provide potential evidence of interest
- Propose the format and activities plan
- Relevant experience of the organizers
- List A/V facilities and other equipment needed